Paulina Carmona-Mora, PhD
Biomedical scientist specialized in genomics, biomarkers, science policy and diplomacy.
Colead Science Diplomacy in the Americas working group and Latin America and the Caribbean Science Leadership Program at the Global Young Academy:
Science Diplomacy in the Americas - Global Young Academy
Science Leadership Latin America and the Caribbean - Global Young Academy
I am a Biochemist, PhD in Medical Sciences, working on gene regulation in neurodevelopmental and neurological disease.
My research interests focus on using genomic and molecular tools to understand mechanisms that control neurological and developmental disorders. I am currently investigating gene expression profiles in peripheral blood cells from patients with stroke, aiming to find genes markers that could allow early diagnosis.
I am passionate about global affairs, in connecting countries through science and increasing diversity in the scientific community. I work in different science diplomacy initiatives, and since 2021, I am the founder and leader of the Science Diplomacy in the Americas incubator, at the Global Young Academy. I additionally lead scientific advisory projects internationally, and policy brief preparations with diverse actors.
Científica biomédica, la investigación de la Dra. Carmona-Mora se centra en comprender la expresión y regulación de genes en trastornos neurológicos y del desarrollo utilizando herramientas moleculares y genómicas, y en identificar biomarcadores diagnósticos.
La Dra. Carmona Mora también está profundamente comprometida con los asuntos globales y el aumento de la diversidad en la comunidad científica. Está involucrada en varias iniciativas internacionales e interdisciplinarias, trabajando en proyectos relacionados con la diplomacia científica. Como alumna de la Global Young Academy (Academia Joven Global), actualmente co-lidera el grupo de trabajo sobre Diplomacia Científica en las Américas, y el Programa de Liderazgo Científico para América Latina. Su labor incluye entre otros asesoramiento científico y preparación de resúmenes de políticas públicas con diversos actores. Además, ha servido como mentora para minorías científicas, y científicos sin documentación y refugiados en varias instituciones.
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Some news...
In this piece, Paulina Carmona-Mora, PhD, discusses her experiences as a grantee of the Central Asia University Partnerships Program, and her role in the First Central Asia Genomics Symposium.
The 1st Science Leadership Program for Latin America and the Caribbean is finalist for the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2023 in the category Science & Innovation Management!
#GlobalAggies, from UC Davis Global
The 1st Science Leadership Program for Latin America and the Caribbean